Payment Scheme Security

We are a specialist security business that concentrates on PCI Card Production, PCI Data Security Standard, Host Based Card Emulation (HCE) and 3D Secure Implementations (such as Verified by Visa). With experience consultants that have worked with all the major companies who perform card personalisation activities, AC Assure represents both a business that can undertake your payment compliance audit and offer you critical and cost effective advice, both before and after your payment scheme audit.

Securing SME Businesses

Although our core business is with payment schemes, we also offer our high level of expertise to SME. If you run a business or organisation that uses computers you need considering how a cyber incident could affect you. We understand that cyber security is far more than just a technical issue and can assess the wider risk to your systems and data. Basic cyber security measures can significantly protect your business and we can provide this in both a cost effective and realistic way for your working practices.

PCI Card Production Compliance

As payment scheme Security Assessors (SA) we are able to conduct both logical and physical compliance audits against the PCI Card Production, including PIN in pack and Electronic PIN distribution requirements.

Host Based Card Emulation (HCE)

Cloud Based Payments is seen as the future of card issuance where the emphasis is placed upon digital cards rather than plastic cards held in your phone. Providing both audits and consultancy we can help you get ahead of the curve.

3D Secure

As 3D Secure Assessors experience in both security controls and payment scheme audits we are ideally positioned to assist in providing your 3D Secure compliance audit or assist with attaining this challenging
security standard.


PCI DSS requirements apply to all organisations or merchants, regardless of size or number of transactions, that accepts, transmits or stores any cardholder data. No matter the size of your organisation we can help you be compliant.


This Government scheme provides a recognised cyber security standard for organisations to demonstrate that they are taking reasonable step to protect themselves. Following this standard can significantly reduce cyber risks all SMEs.

ISO 27001

Without the correct security management, the organisation can not be sure the controls they have implemented are sufficient now or in the future. AC Assure can provide advice and assistance on your ISO27001 deployment. 


Undertaking vulnerability scans is an important tool in understanding whether your systems have security risks present. By providing you with vulnerability scans and penetration tests we can help you remediate the risk before they're exploited.

SME Security

If you thought that cyber criminals only target big businesses, think again. SMEs are more vulnerable to cyber threats however we can help you understand and protect your business against the risks that are related to you and your business.